Dengan reputasi kami yang kuat dalam memberikan solusi inovatif, keamanan terjamin dan layanan terbaik, kami telah menjadi pilihan pertama pelanggan yang menghargai kualitas
OwnCloud merupakan platform perangkat lunak sumber terbuka yang dirancang untuk penyimpanan dan berbagi file secara pribadi, di luar solusi cloud komersial seperti Google Drive atau Dropbox. ownCloud memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengelola data mereka sendiri dengan aman dan menyediakan kontrol penuh atas file dan informasi yang disimpan
Manajer file di desktop, laptop, tablet, atau ponsel Anda baik-baik saja selama Anda bekerja sendiri dengan satu perangkat. Namun Anda mungkin perlu membiarkan lebih banyak orang (atau mesin) mengakses file Anda, mengedit atau menambahkannya, dengan cara yang terkendali dan aman namun juga mudah dan nyaman. Di sinilah ownCloud berperan.
ownCloud memungkinkan Anda berbagi dan menyinkronkan data serta menjaganya tetap aman pada saat yang sama, di semua platform. Ini mengontrol dan memantau akses dan memungkinkan kolaborasi antar perangkat, tim, dan benua, tanpa risiko kehilangan data, pencurian, atau pelanggaran peraturan privasi.
Terdapat platform kolaborasi konten lain di luar sana, namun tidak satupun yang memberikan keseimbangan antara peningkatan produktivitas dan keamanan yang diperkuat seperti yang dilakukan ownCloud.
Untuk fleksibilitas dan integrasi sebesar mungkin ke dalam proses bisnis yang ada
Untuk tingkat keamanan dan penyesuaian tertinggi
Pengalaman pengguna modern, sangat mudah beradaptasi dan mudah dikelola
Spaces adalah konsep folder proyek revolusioner yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan kolaborasi digital yang lancar untuk tim jarak jauh dari semua ukuran, sekaligus memastikan kepatuhan, kontrol data, dan keamanan. Spaces memberikan pengalaman pengguna yang optimal dan mengurangi beban kerja admin secara signifikan.
Kontrol data Anda – selalu, kapan saja, dan di mana saja. Terapkan ownCloud lokal, di pusat data pilihan Anda, atau dalam pengaturan hibrid. Regulasi dan sertifikasi? Jangan katakan lagi. Owncloud menjagamu! Dengan autentikasi multi-faktor, enkripsi, dan manajemen siklus hidup file kami yang rumit. Mencari kepemilikan data 100%?
Bandingkan paket ownCloud dan temukan edisi yang tepat untuk kebutuhan organisasi Anda
General | Standard | Enterprise | Keterangan |
License | AGPLv3 (Must share customizations with the Community) | ownCloud Commercial License for ownCloud Server Core and Enterprise Modules | |
Deployment options | On-premises, hybrid or cloud | On-premises, hybrid or cloud | ownCloud puts you in control. You decide where your data resides! |
Onboarding / migration assistance | No | Dedicated Deployment Manager (on request €/$) | When you’re ready to deploy ownCloud, no matter how straight-forward or complex your implementation will be, we will help you to ensure a smooth and effective production roll-out. With four levels of deployment support available, you will be able to tailor your deployment services to match your needs. |
Documentation | Yes | Yes | |
Support | Yes | Yes | ownCloud’s Standard Edition support time is determined by 9×5, while the Enterprise Edition has a specified support time of 12×5. |
Multi language support | Yes | Yes | ownCloud is available in many languages, and translations are constantly being both extended and improved |
Intuitive web-interface | Yes | Yes | ownCloud’s design principles put the user center stage, by providing a great user experience and seamless workflows. They do this by focusing on ease-of-use and an intuitive design. |
Desktop apps for Windows, MacOS & Linux | Yes | Yes | The ownCloud desktop client keeps your files in sync and provides many additional features, by directly integrating with the file browser (e.g. sharing of files). The ownCloud Desktop Sync Client for Windows is delivered as Windows Installer (MSI), suitable for all common solutions for Windows software distribution. |
Virtual File System | Yes | Yes | The Desktop Client with Virtual File System improves usability and reduces local storage requirements. Users can share files in the Explorer even if they are not stored locally. The client reflects the file and folder structure of the server, regardless of whether the data is completely available locally. If a file is needed, it can be downloaded and opened on-demand. |
Mobile apps for iOS & Android | Android: 0.79 € iOS: In-App purchases | Pro-features included in subscription, may be branded | |
Active Directory / LDAP integration | Yes | Yes | Connect an ownCloud instance to an LDAP/AD-based user directory (Authentication and provisioning of users/groups and corresponding attributes) |
Branding with own Brander | No | ownBrander Self Service included, can be extended by Branding Subscription “small” or “full”, up to integration into Mobile Device Management and Single Sign-On Systems. | ownBrander lets you easily apply your Corporate Identity to the ownCloud Web-Interface, Mobile & Desktop Clients. |
Usability | |||
Activity Stream | Yes | Yes | Displays actions related to their files in ownCloud, e.g. upload, edit, delete, share, share, was accessed externally. User-configurable, regular email notifications possible. |
Content Sharing | Yes | Yes | Sharing of files, calendars, notes and more with users of your ownCloud instance, users of other ownCloud instances (Federated Cloud Sharing) or via an anonymous link (password protection, expiration date possible) |
Custom Groups | Yes | Yes | Enables users to define their own groups to share with. An integrated role concept allows collaborative management of groups. |
Federated Cloud Sharing | Yes | Yes | With Federated Cloud Sharing, users on one ownCloud installation can collaborate with users on other ownCloud installations while each server maintains its respective security and governance protocols. Files shared between users are no longer confined to a single shared folder or ownCloud instance. |
Sharing Permission Management | Yes | Yes | Feature to selectively restrict access to shared content (Create, Edit, Delete, Reshare) |
Calendar | Optional | Optional | Use the Calendar App in ownClouds Web-Interface, sync your Calendars via CalDAV and share them with other users |
Contacts | Optional | Optional | Use the Contacts App in ownClouds Web-Interface, sync your Contacts via CardDAV and sharing them with other users |
Video Streaming | Yes | Yes | Watch your videos directly in ownCloud without the hassle of downloading them first |
Media Viewer | Yes | Yes | Gallery feature for quick & easy image viewing with slideshow functionality. |
Image Gallery | Yes | Yes | Gallery feature for quick & easy image viewing with slideshow functionality |
Large File Support | Yes | Yes | Large file support for files bigger than 4GB. File size in ownCloud is only limited by the configuration and underlying infrastructure |
Upload Chunking / Resuming | Yes | Yes | Chunking allows to split up files into smaller packages (chunks) before uploading. This enables parallel uploading of a single file (performance improvements) and upload resuming during e.g. unstable network connection |
Collabora Online | Optional | Optional | Collaborative viewing and editing of office documents within a browser with Collabora Online. Supports Microsoft and LibreOffice formats for documents, presentations and spreadsheets |
ONLYOFFICE | Optional | Optional | The ONLYOFFICE integration enables access and collaborative editing of Microsoft Office file formats for documents, presentations and tables from the ownCloud frontend in real time |
Microsoft Teams Integration | Without SSO | With SSO | Use the integration of ownCloud with Microsoft Teams in just a few steps to enable a seamless and secure exchange of data and documents within the collaboration software |
Microsoft Office Online Server | No | Optional | The Microsoft Office Online integration via WOPI enables viewing and collaborative editing of documents, presentations and spreadsheets using the original Microsoft Office Online Editor within the ownCloud frontend in real time |
Microsoft Outlook Plugin | Optional | Optional | Using the ownCloud Outlook integration you can share access to important files and directories with just a few clicks directly from Outlook |
File Drop | Yes | Yes | Allows users to mark any folder as a drop folder for externals to anonymously drop files in a shared folder without revealing the actual content of the folder |
File Tagging | Admin-defined, user-defined | Admin-defined, user-defined, auto- and group-tagging | Add specific tags to your files. This feature allows smart filtering of files and works with shared files as well. |
File Versioning | Yes | Yes | Versioning feature for files which allows rollback to older file versions. |
File Comments | Yes | Yes | Add individual comments to files. Works with shared files as well |
File Locking | Yes | Yes | Lock files to prevent users from making concurrent edits that could cause file conflicts. Users are notified when files are locked |
Favorites | Yes | Yes | Mark files and folders as favorites for quick access on all devices. |
Impersonation | Yes | Yes | Admin feature to impersonate users. Administrators can login as any user and conduct actions as this user i.e. to provide a helpdesk experience. May be restricted to group membership/administrators |
Notifications | Yes | Yes | With this feature users can receive notifications from administrators & apps |
Guests | Yes | Yes | The ownCloud Guests feature allows to create ownCloud Guest accounts with very limited access rights. Simply share with external users just by entering an email address in the sharing dialog |
Workflows (automated file operations) | No | Yes | Enables administrators to specify rules and conditions (file size, file mime-type, group membership and more) to automatically assign tags (see File Tagging) to uploaded files. Based on those tags automated file operations (workflow actions) like File Retention (automated file retention periods) can be conducted. Can be extended by “Workflow Apps” |
Full Text Search | Optional | Optional | Full text search functionality to find files, folders and file content easily. Supports .txt, .docx, .xlsx, .pptx, .odt, .ods, .pdf and more |
Extendability | Community contributed: Music, Video, Notes + many more | ownCloud Apps certified for Enterprise use | ownCloud‘s open architecture and APIs allow developers to rapidly extend core functionality and enhance the solution to meet user needs. ownCloud is highly extensible therefore, enabling the addition of new features quickly via plug-in applications (ownCloud Apps) |
Storage | |||
Storage Infrastructure Consolidation | Yes | Yes | Single point of access to all supported storage systems. ownCloud unites your storage resources on one platform giving you secure access without requiring a VPN connection |
Primary storage | Local storage / NFS GlusterFS/Red Hat Storage S3 Object Storage | Local storage / NFS GlusterFS/Red Hat Storage certified S3 Object Storage: Scality, Ceph S3, Amazon S3, etc | Internal storage of an ownCloud instance |
Secondary storage | Local storage / NFS GlusterFS/Red Hat Storage S3 Object Storage Dropbox Google Drive SFTP WebDAV | Local storage / NFS GlusterFS/Red Hat Storage SMB / CIFS certified S3 Object Storage: Scality, Ceph S3, Amazon S3, etc Dropbox Google Drive SFTP WebDAV | External storage of an ownCloud instance. Can for example include mounted or integrated storage systems |
Microsoft SharePoint Integration | No | Yes | Integration of MS SharePoint Storage with ownCloud |
Windows Network Drive Integration | No | Yes | Integration of Windows Network Drive Storage with ownCloud |
Oracle DB Support | No | Yes | Support the use of Oracle Databases with ownCloud |
Security | |||
End-to-End Encryption | Yes | Yes | End-to-End Encryption for ownCloud increases the security standard for file storage and sharing. It enables users to create folders for client-side encrypted internal or external data exchange. Neither the administrator of the ownCloud Server nor third parties who have access to the infrastructure can read the data. Individual or central key management and provisioning are both available. |
End-to-End Encryption with key service | Optional | Optional | For maximum security and control in data exchange, ownCloud offers an additional Key Service application that enables professional key management with the option of using USB tokens, HSM/Smartcards and other hardware devices to decrypt data. Device-based key management provides the highest security level as decryption keys are stored separately from the user’s workstation and can’t be extracted from the hardware device. |
Ransomware Protection | No | Yes | Ransomware attacks are an ever-present malware risk, both for large enterprises as well as for private users. Once affected, whole hard drives or parts of it can become encrypted leading to unrecoverable data loss that directly translates to significant effort and cost. For this exact purpose the ownCloud Ransomware Protection App protects companies by blocking uploaded files known to originate from ransomware to preserve original, unaffected files in ownCloud. Additional to that the App can automatically block user accounts where ransomware was detected and also provides smart mechanisms for the restoration of infected files |
2-Factor Authentication | Yes | Yes | Two-Factor authentication through TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm). For example compatible with Google Authenticator. |
Active Session Management | Yes | Yes | List active sessions of a user and disconnect them selectively. |
Anti-Virus with ICAP | Yes | Yes | Virus scanner for files (using ClamAV). For corporate settings, the ownCloud Anti-Virus App works with enterprise-grade antivirus scanning engines. Through the open-standard ICAP protocol, ownCloud Enterprise can leverage the enterprise-ready products from all the major antivirus vendors. |
Encryption of Primary Storage (AES-256), key management | Yes | Yes | Server-side encryption of primary storage using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). When enabled, the admin is unable to read user-data of an instance. |
File Integrity Checking | Yes | Yes | To prevent file corruption the integrity of up- and downloaded files are automatically verified by comparing their unique checksums before and after transfer |
Auditing/Logging Module | No | Yes | Admin feature to log login and logout events of users, file system operations, including actions on the trash bin, internal sharing of a file, sharing a link with a user, or permission changes as well as user management actions (creation/deletion/disabling/enabling of users), actions on ownCloud apps (enable/disable) and administrative actions from the command line. |
Metrics App | No | Yes | Get an overview of your key performance indicators on a practical, clear platform. The Metrics App from ownCloud enables the targeted collection of key performance indicators, providing information for reportings |
Splunk Integration | No | Yes | Keep track of what happens in your ownCloud Enterprise with Splunk. Improve data governance by visualizing data flows with the ownCloud integration for Splunk |
File Firewall | No | Yes | Admin feature for application-level file access rules to protect files in the organization. Inspects file requests made on an ownCloud server, and prevents ownCloud from executing any code if the firewall rules are met. Possible rules are IP address range, device type, file size, subnet, time, group membership. Logging is configurable |
OAuth2 | Yes | Yes | OAuth2 is the open industry-standard protocol for secure authorization of clients. It greatly enhances security while facilitating the integration of third party applications or web services. |
Password Policy | Yes | Yes | The Password Policy application enables ownCloud administrators to define password requirements like minimum characters, numbers, capital letters and more for all kinds of password endpoints like user and guest accounts or public link sharing passwords. Additional to that administrators can define an expiration date for passwords and set certain policies to avoid the reuse of passwords. To add another layer of security, the administrator can enforce expiration dates for public link shares. As soon as the expiration date is reached the share will be removed automatically |
Native Brute Force Protection | Table Data | Optional | The Brute Force Protection extension prevents attackers from “guessing” user passwords through a brute force attack. Repeated failed login attempts from the same IP address are delayed, minimizing the chances of a successful attack |
OpenID Connect | Yes | Yes | Whether organizations prefer a conventional LDAP-based Identity Management or Microsoft’s cloud-based Azure AD, Keycloak or Ping Federate, an Identity-as-a-Service like cidaas or an on-premises open source Identity Provider like Kopano Konnect – ownCloud is up for it. |
SAML/SSO Authentication | No | Yes | Authentication feature using the SAML standard. This allows Single Sign-On (SSO) via Shibboleth, ADFS, Ping Identity and more. |
SAML/SSO Authentication | No | Yes | Authentication feature using the SAML standard. This allows Single Sign-On (SSO) via Shibboleth, ADFS, Ping Identity and more. |
Kerberos | No | Yes | Enterprise customers benefit from ownCloud 10.13’s Kerberos support both for login and via delegation in the Windows Network Drive app. For the user, this means less logins, less password entries and a much more efficient workflow. There’s additional single-sign-on options and no need to save usernames and passwords of LDAP users in order to access SMB/CIFS shares in an on-premises environment. |
Document Classification | No | Yes | To prevent sensitive data from being leaked and safe-guard personal data as per regulation guidelines, the Document Classification extension enables administrators to automatically classify documents and define policies for sharing documents based on defined levels of confidentiality. |
Secure View | No | Yes | Secure View allows ownCloud users to share sensitive data in such a way that it can only be viewed by the recipient in the browser. If users share data, they can choose to forbid editing, downloading, copy/pasting and printing a shared document. Additionally, documents are protected with watermarks that identify the user and make screenshots traceable. Secure View is a Collabora Online feature, and works with documents of all common office file formats (docx/xlsx/pptx/odx/pdf) |
Storage Encryption with HSM support | No | Yes | ownCloud Server supports storage encryption with master keys stored in hardware security modules (HSM). In contrast to the regular master key-based storage encryption that stores the keys on the storage, storage encryption with keys in an HSM allows administrators to completely prevent anyone who has access to the storage from accessing the data stored in ownCloud. |
Life Cycle Management | No | Yes | Automatically archive and then delete files that are no longer needed, ensuring data protection compliance. |
Technical Toolbox | |||
Command Line Interface (CLI) | Yes | Yes | Management of instances via command line and/or scripts (OCC). |
Provisioning APIs | Yes | Yes | Contains APIs to enable the provision of the following Admin /Group-Admin functionalities outside the WebGUI via HTTP-requests: Create, edit, delete and query user attributes Query, set and remove groups, set quota and query total storage used in ownCloud Query for active ownCloud applications or application info |
WebDAV, CalDAV, CardDAV API | Yes | Yes | Extension of the HTTP-Protocol used as an interface for file operations and calendar/contact synchronization. Open standard with ownCloud-specific extensions |
OpenCloudMesh API | Yes | Yes | Extension of the HTTP-Protocol used as an interface for file operations and calendar/contact synchronization. Open standard with ownCloud-specific extensions |
Sharing API | Yes | Yes | Interface for sharing functionalities. |
Capability API | Yes | Yes | Interface for server capability discovery |
Public ownCloud Server Core API | Yes | Yes | Interface for extending the ownCloud server functionality. An example are ownCloud Apps |
ownCloud adalah server file yang memungkinkan penyimpanan, kolaborasi, dan berbagi yang aman.
Menyimpan file di cloud sangatlah mudah, sehingga tersedia di perangkat apa pun dan dapat dibagikan hanya dengan beberapa klik. Ada banyak penyedia populer seperti Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter dan Dropbox. Dengan banyaknya vendor ini, file disimpan dan diproses di luar kendali pengguna. Di perusahaan-perusahaan AS, file tunduk pada Cloud Act dan karenanya harus diintip oleh pemerintah.
Secara konsisten didasarkan pada standar terbuka dan modularitas, ownCloud cocok sebagai platform file yang kuat dan berorientasi pada keamanan untuk lingkungan kepemilikan dan juga lingkungan perangkat lunak sumber terbuka. Hasilnya, ownCloud menggabungkan penyimpanan file yang sepenuhnya berdaulat dengan alat produktivitas yang modern dan efisien sambil mempertahankan kode sumber yang dapat diaudit dan fungsi rilis yang komprehensif. Pengguna dapat menginstal ownCloud sendiri atau menyewa instance terkelola.
Anda ingin menggunakan ownCloud untuk memanfaatkan kenyamanan cloud publik sekaligus tetap patuh dan mengontrol data Anda.
ownCloud melindungi data Anda menggunakan langkah-langkah kriptografi canggih saat transit, saat disimpan, dan secara opsional end-to-end.
ownCloud adalah proyek sumber terbuka sehingga semua kode terlihat. Kami berkomitmen untuk membuat kode yang aman, bekerja mengikuti praktik keamanan industri terkemuka, dan melakukan audit keamanan rutin pada kode tersebut. Program bug bounty kami di hackerone memberi penghargaan kepada white hat hackers pengungkapan kerentanan yang bertanggung jawab.
ownCloud adalah platform akses file sumber terbuka tingkat perusahaan yang berfokus pada skala dan keamanan. Nextcloud adalah cabang dari basis kode ownCloud lama tahun 2016 yang masih menggunakan PHP dan tampaknya berfokus pada penerapan banyak fitur untuk usaha kecil dan pengguna rumahan.
Menjadi open source berarti Anda dapat mengaudit kode untuk memastikan kode tersebut sesuai dengan keinginan Anda. Ini juga berarti bahwa ownCloud lebih fleksibel dan mudah beradaptasi dibandingkan perangkat lunak sumber tertutup – Anda dapat lebih mudah menulis ekstensi dan bahkan memodifikasi intinya. Transparansi memungkinkan tinjauan sejawat yang cenderung menghasilkan kode yang efisien, kinerja yang baik, dan biaya operasional yang rendah.
Edisi komunitas dapat diterapkan di mana saja secara gratis dan tanpa dukungan bahkan pada raspberry pi. Edisi enterprise adalah solusi bisnis lokal untuk semua orang yang memiliki pusat datanya sendiri. Sedangkan versi online khusus untuk UKM tanpa data center dan sys admin.
Tidak. ownCloud sama sekali bukan solusi cadangan.
Perubahan yang Anda buat di satu tempat akan disinkronkan ke tempat lain yang berarti jika Anda secara tidak sengaja menghapus atau menimpa file di sistem lokal Anda, ownCloud akan menghapusnya dari server.
Jika suatu file rusak di satu tempat, file yang rusak tersebut akan didistribusikan ke tempat lain.
Fungsi ‘file sebelumnya’ dan ‘batalkan penghapusan’ di ownCloud hanya dimaksudkan untuk kemudahan dan tidak boleh diandalkan sebagai fungsi cadangan. Ada algoritma yang membersihkan ‘file lama’ dan dengan demikian, perubahan akan hilang seiring waktu.
Penyimpanan Eksternal menghubungkan ownCloud ke penyimpanan eksternal seperti FTP, SMB Server ownCloud lain atau penyedia pihak ketiga seperti Google Drive, Amazon S3 atau Dropbox. File akan muncul di antarmuka web Anda dan dapat disinkronkan dengan klien. Namun, mereka tidak direplikasi di server Cloud Anda sendiri!
Anda harus menggunakan aplikasi cadangan untuk menyimpan file di ownCloud di suatu tempat. Dokumentasi ownCloud memiliki tips tentang cara mencadangkan ownCloud.
Kami menyediakan layanan proses implementasi yang komprehensif.
Kami menyediakan layanan support untuk memastikan proses bisnis anda tetap berjalan.
Karena kami berkomitmen menghadirkan pelayanan terbaik bagi bisnis Anda melalui:
Menganalisa kebutuhan customer secara menyeluruh dan memberikan solusi yang efektif dan efisien. Kami terus meningkatkan inovasi dalam banyak aspek bisnis
Memberikan pelayanan dengan kejujuran, disipilin dan konsisten dalam bekerja berlandaskan etika serta bertanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaan
Mengutamakan perbaikan terus menerus dalam segala hal sehingga menghasilkan produk dan pelayanan sesuai kebutuhan customer dan perkembangan zaman
Memahami dan memenuhi kebutuhan, keinginan, dan preferensi customer untuk menciptakan nilai tambah dan membangun hubungan yang kuat dengan customer
Temukan Solusi Terbaik Sesuai Kebutuhan Perusahaan Anda
Grand Slipi Tower, Lantai 5 Unit F
Jalan Letjen S. Parman No.Kav. 22-24, RT.1/RW.4, Kecamatan Palmerah, Kota Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta 11480
Telp : (021) 29866319